This past month we have been so busy and focused on what's been happening, I have hardly had any time to fill any of you in on what the heck is up with us moving. Again. So soon.
Well, I am going to sum this up, because really, it's very simple. Bottom line, we moved back home. Whoa. Now this is where I want to do the 'filling in', because I really hate when people assume things, so if I tell you here, there will be no need to think anything other than what it is. Are you following, or am I confusing you haha..
This decision happened extremely quickly. We considered it, talked about it, and moved forward with it in three days. Cody's dad has been wanting us to live with them since we moved into our very first house together, so we could save money. We needed the experience and independence though (and I am really glad we made the choice we did back then.) and said 'thank you, but no thank you.'. Since then, the offer has never left the table.
A lot of it was a pride thing (mostly on my end.) and has been since. I always felt that if I leaned on anyone it meant I couldn't do it on my own. Thankfully, I have gotten over that one for the most part. So, while in the shower (You know, the place where brilliant ideas, made up songs and epiphanies hit you.) I said to myself, 'self, you know this may be a good idea. Maybe you should suck that pride up and have an open mind about this.' and as easy as that, I considered the offer seriously for the first time, and really saw why it was such a good idea.
Anyway (surprise! I'm rambling.) we thought it over and discovered this; If we stop renting (the housing we need/standards we have for a home had us renting extremely close to our budget peek.) and moved into Cody's parents partial basement suit, we could be buying our home next year. No more renting, no more moving every couple of years. Not bad.
We realized it was the perfect time to do it as well. Mackynzie is still young and we still co-sleep so one large bedroom is totally fine. She hasn't accumulated an incredible amount of stuff at this age (all the baby gear is gone and she hasn't been old enough to build a stock pile of stuff yet haha.) and probably the second most important reason we are doing this- She gets to develop an incredible bond with her Mimi and Papa. We all do. I feel like I am going to learn so much and grow tons from this experience. I am really, really, looking forward to creating a really strong relationship with my mother in law, and I don't know if that could happen (without taking a few years) without us doing this.
Overall, this was just a really fantastic opportunity for our family. Literally, the minute we moved in here we were totally at peace. There has been no adjustment period, and for the first time in a long time, all my little stresses that build up (I have anxiety i'm working on.) are completely gone! It's amazing.
We are extremely blessed to have an opportunity like this. We would be waiting years and years to buy a home other wise. To be able to leave after this and have a stronger family bond will be so wonderful. Cody's parents are really fantastic now too. We don't have worries about toe-stepping or boundary crossing, because after two years, they have realized that even if they don't agree with everything we do, we have a beautiful, healthy, very smart girl who has blown them away. They let us do our thing, and respect the way we raise her deeply. (I can't stress how thankful I am for that.) Also as I have mentioned before, Cody and his dad work together so they are gone for the same amount of time, and his mom works full time too. Mackynzie is asleep before any of them come home, so it really has not been weird at all.
Mostly, I just feel so incredibly blessed. For this opportunity and all that it holds, for these wonderful people I have been so fortunate to accumulate through marrying Cody, and that his parents just happen to be incredibly gracious, loving and selfless. I am honored to be a part of this family, and they will always have my deepest thanks for sharing this with our daughter.
Not many people get to do things like this (and it not be weird.. let's be honest haha) and I am just so excited about this new adventure. So that's what has been going on. Forgive me for keeping quiet about it for so long, I really wanted to share the full story with you. Now that renovations are done, Cody can stop going from work to house fixing (the basement wasn't fully finished yet, but they did everything but the ceiling in 4 weeks!), and boxes are unpacked, I am super excited to get back into my regular blog schedule and share our new little home with you guys!
Now to go and hang the rest of my pictures. We somehow managed to wind up with a giant naked wall again haha!