Our baby girl is one! Man, did we have fun celebrating her first year.
The weather was great, and even some family we have never met before flew down to be there!
So without further ado, I invite you to Mackynzie's first birthday.

Her invitations made by me.
Cody made her 'one' for the front porch.
Cody already had a collection of these bottles (he works close to a place that sells them.), I thought they were super cute, and would match nicely!
We hung a photo banner with a picture of each month, over the table. It was great to have all the pictures together like that, so you could see her grow.
Cody worked hard making every one of the hats himself. He did such a great job!
We decided to do a time capsule for her birthday, so that she could look back on this wonderful day, and read all the things her friends and loved ones had to say.
Every one started arriving shortly after noon. Mackynzie was curious to know why there were people coming into her house!
I love how Cody is just staring at her in this picture.
We kept the atmosphere relaxed and calm, and just hung out until everyone got there.
Mackynzie's friend, Anna, from baby group came.
She socialized with everyone, and was great entertainment while everyone ate lunch. Cody made burgers for everyone, and we had yummy sides- like grandmas homemade pickles.
Mackynzie's aunt, and great grandma(who we met for the first time.)
mackynzie's grandma (Cody's mom)
After everyone ate, it was time to open presents. Boy, was she a lucky little girl.
Some of her gifts before she went crazy on them. (we forgot to take a picture of all of them once everyone was there. Not a big deal though, we were celebrating her. :) )
We had to put on our party hats first though!
She was really good at ripping off the paper, and it didn't take her long to start handing every piece to daddy, and know there was something different under each wrapping.
When she opened this monkey, she immediately started making monkey noises, and bouncing. (she had seen this monkey at the flower shop just days before the party and wanted it so bad. so we recommended one of her Guncles (great uncle.) get it for her. )
This desk was her daddy's when he was young, and her aunties too. Grandpa refinished it and passed it down to her. She loves it!
These are the fabric magnet letters, i made her for her birthday.
After we finished opening presents, It was time for her birthday 'cake' and cupcakes for everyone!
Once she had her fun with her 'cake', we handed out bubbles for everyone (First time with bubbles!) and played with them, while we put away cake mess and made sure everyone had there fill of cup cakes.
To end the party, we gathered everyone into the living room, to watch a special video Cody made for her on her first birthday.
Of course, we cant forget that it was Cody's birthday too!
I surprised him, by taking him to a bazillion steak house that he really wanted to check out. Friends and family met us there two hours after Mackynzie's party. He thought we were going to his parents house for dinner, but as we passed it, i gave him an invitation to his own party. We had such a great time, and he was good and embarrassed when we all sang happy birthday to him.
We had an amazing day. The loves of my life had so much fun; I really couldn't have asked for anything better. I am one grateful, blessed mama and wife!
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