Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Moving in T-Minus 4 days?!

 Whoa.. I just got some awesome, yet unexpected move news! (I figured I better keep you guys posted as I have been sort of MIA. So I will do my best to update often, even if its just a picture or something!)

 We just found out that we can move in... days. Like four. Holy cow! Now, you might be wondering why I am not being typical Rainbow and bouncing off walls, freaking out, and trying to get everything done in three days. The good thing is, we actually have 3 weeks to move. Probably a little longer if we want, so with us getting our new place so early, we have lots of time to pack, move, clean, organize, and paint both houses.

Pause for big dramatic sigh of relief.

 I am super excited to get started, but SO happy that I don't have to try and rush and do a big move in such a short amount of time!

I have been really bad at taking pictures lately, and hardly have any since things have been so nuts, but I am going to do my absolute best to record this move! I want to show you guys before and afters! The before's of this place may not be very clean though... hahaha with all the in and out there never seems  to be a moment of complete tidiness. But since I am an over sharer, I don't mind if you don't!

Now Cody and I need to sit down and decide exactly when we want to start living in the new place. Are we crazy enough to try for this weekend? ...Probably...

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