Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New hours

I really dislike adjusting to new schedules. With a toddler, it feels like we are doing it all the time, but the one we need to adjust to now is the hardest yet.

 This will be our first winter with Cody's new company (technically the switch happened last December,  but things were still up in the air.) and they have a 'winter hours' policy  This is something we had never heard of prior to this, but apparently it's something a lot of American companies do. Anyway, this means that Cody will be leaving a little later in the mornings, but in turn, he will not be coming home until 6pm. Factor in the time he needs immediately, to shower and de-workify himself, we don't get to see him until about 6:30pm. That's approximately an hour and forty-five minutes later than we are used to.

 It may not seem like too big of a deal, but to us, it's a huge hurdle to work around. Mackynzie goes to bed between 6:30 and 8pm (depending on if or when she napped.) so that gives Cody a very small time frame (if any) to see her, eat dinner, and do his regular stuff around the house. Last night, for example, he brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, and got her pj's before his shower. When he came downstairs, she was already asleep.  The company tries to balance it out by not having him come in as early, but it doesn't mean a whole lot since everyone is still asleep.

 It won't last forever, but we have long  winters, so it's going to be a big balancing act around here until we adjust. I feel so bad for him.. he has to come home from a long day of work just to rush around and hardly see anyone. After Mackynzie goes to bed (time depending again) that gives us hopefully an hour to spend together and clean up. I am just realizing this post may sound whiny .. I hope not! That's not my tone about the situation, it's just new. And we have never had to deal with seeing each other so little in our entire relationship.

 It wasn't supposed to start until November,  but Cody was surprised with his new hours when he went back to work from holidays yesterday.

So far, we are just taking it one day at a time and not letting ourselves get down in the dumps about things. After all, we have a ton to be grateful for. At least we all get to see each other every day, no matter how short the time. Definitely gives me even more sympathy and respect for all the military/navy/rig work families I know. You guys are amazing.

 Plus, seeing this little face after a phone call with daddy makes me think we will adjust just fine.

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