Monday, November 19, 2012

Bits + Pieces

1.Mackynzie got a new bed and absolutely loves it!
3.Mama needed to have a relaxing evening with some B&J.
4.Fynn enjoying their play sessions as usual...
5.Our local bakery is up and running again, after having a car drive through it, so we went out for family treats early Saturday morning.
7. I tried to take a picture of Mackynzie and I while in a parking lot... it ended up with a smile and an accidental glare haha.
8.We had a friend's baby shower to go to on Sunday. Mackynzie had lots of fun helping set up, and then hanging out with everyone... especially baby Jared.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chatting with Kynzie

Mackynzie tells me some pretty funny stuff from day to day, and I try to write down the ones I find particularly entertaining. I thought it would be cute to share here, so whenever I have a few collected I will share them!

Mackynzie: (leaning her head towards mine) Head cheers!

 Me: (sees her pop something into her mouth as she brings me her pj's.) What is that?! What's in your mouth?
  Mackynzie: opens mouth slightly to reveal candy coated chocolate mess.
  Me: is that a smartie? ...Where did you find a smartie?
  Mackynzie: (As she walks away.) In my bum.
Funny part is, she was totally serious. She had been eating a mini box of smarties sitting on the couch while bottomless. So its completely realistic for her to have found one in her bum a few minutes later...

Mackynzie: (Adam levine comes on on Ellen.): Oh! That's Lilian's daddy! ( Lilian is one of her friends.)

#4: (overhearing her playing with her stuffed animals) Puppy, are you pooping? No? Oh, ya? Giraffe, are you pooping? -straight faced and serious- Poop on the potty. Not the floor please.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hey, Monday.

Thing 1. I was not pregnant with my girlfriend... just FYI... haha
Thing 2. ignore that weird ending.


Bits + Pieces

1. We were hit with our first snow storm this early this weekend. Definitely starting to look a lot like Christmas!
2. We went out for a quick dinner before doing our errands, since Cody got to come home 5 hours early because of the snow. (3,4,5,6)
7. Just a regular Saturday morning.
8.Bundled up for a walk to Papa's house.
9.These sun rises are just stunning in the winter.
10. Proud of the two babies she chose to keep out, while we packed her room.

An Acceptable Distraction

 I apologize. I am completely distracted lately. Maybe it's because he has been working longer, or maybe it's just because we finally feel balanced in a routine, but I am completely smitten in my husband's presence. I mean, I always am, but lately... I feel like I am 16 all over again. Just seeing him has sent butterflies racing around in my stomach. Now, before you get all weird on me here, I am not talking about hot and heavy, too much information kind of stuff. (If you haven't noticed, we keep our personal life very personal in most cases.) I am just talking pure head over heals, passionate romance. Again, I usually keep these things to myself (not even my girlfriends hear this haha), but I feel like my head is going to explode! He doesn't even need to do anything special. Just getting a glimpse of his face at a flattering angle, or an accidental bump of our hands makes me dizzy and completely absorbed. And by some sort of crazy miracle, he feels the same way about me.

 It's funny. People always talk about how marriage and staying in love is so hard, and that after the first year, things start to lessen, or once you experience XYZ it won't be this way. Now I know they are all wrong. If you find the one your heart and soul fit perfectly with, that love will never diminish. No sparks will die, because, really, how on earth could you just stop being and acting recklessly in love with someone? One day you just don't feel like it? I think that if you keep that passion alive in your own heart ( I couldn't imagine being without it...), you will constantly keep one another's burning brighter and brighter. I mean, marriage enhances every aspect of being in love. Things can only get better, because you have had more practice! Ha.

 People will still tell us things to try to bring us down to 'reality', I'm sure. But the thing they will never know, is behind our polite nods, there will always be a growing fire between us. No one will know that we have already tucked 5 years of this growing passion under our seats, and it is rocketing us forward faster than any of our previous days. And probably the thing that we get to keep as our biggest secret, as we give each other a knowing look, is that there is no such thing as one 'reality'. We get to make our own. And we have. And we are. And we get to stay beautifully and fantastically surrounded by it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Little Moments

 Every day, we get a moment or two (usually once in the morning and once in the evening) where Mackynzie enjoys quietly playing on her own. Usually, It is with her kitchen play things, and her animals. I love sitting here (at my desk) listening to her make up little stories, or sing songs about her play adventures. Sometimes, I think I get a little caught up in life, and have to remind myself to sit and enjoy the moments with every ounce of myself. Soak up the giggles, the images, the funny little play ideas... Breathe them in and lock them away. These are moments I want to remember when I think back to this time in our lives. These are the moments where I just stop and think "How on earth did I become so blessed?". I am very thankful for moments like these.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mackynzie's First Joke

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I hope everyone isn't too tired from staying up all night following the election. ;)

I am just stopping in to say hi, and share a picture from a sweet moment last night. Mackynzie woke up for a glass of water and we spent 20 minutes giggling and chatting together (mostly about how she hilariously told me "Mackynzie is serious business!". Her first joke! I was crying I was laughing so hard.).

We also talked about Christmas, hence the look of contemplation while she was telling me her wish list.

Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day! I really need to start packing for real. I keep thinking I have time, but I only have 16 days! yikes! Better get some boxes...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Legs: Easy Peasy Toning

 Good Morning!

I decided I want to start out my health posts by sharing what's easily one of my favorite leg workouts. SEE WORKOUT HERE. It's easy, it's fast, you don;t need anything besides yourself and something to hold on to, and best of all, it gets you great results quickly! It's a dancers workout and works all the places that you want, with minimal movement. Fantastic!

 This is one of the workouts I do on my less active 'off' days, since I usually do high intensity, then one or two lower intensity, then high etc. I always take Sunday to rest, since it's very important to give your body a rest day. Sunday just happens to be a good day to be lazy for me haha. This one takes a whopping ten minutes, so give it a try! Who doesn't have ten minutes? do it while watching t.v. or something mundane. If you try it out, let me know how you liked it!

As for me, I am feeling the results of one Jillian Michaels butt-kicking.

 I wasn't too excited to do it (can you tell? haha), but i am glad I did! Now I have to make sure I do something light that still works my muscles (like yoga) or i'm going to be stuck with this discomfort for a few days!

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Vlog: happy November and such

Excuse the regular weirdness :)


Bits + Pieces

1&2. It's hard to be a dog...
3. Only way to show a house when your toddler is teething and she can't go to bed.
4. She moves so fast, I don't usually get unblurry photos of her.
5. Carly tripped up the stairs and put her head through our wall. Thank goodness we can see humor in these kinds of situations!
6. A daylight savings morning.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Halloween  yesterday! Lots of you have been sharing your trick or treating photos, and I gotta say, I'm completely jealous of your weather! I would love to be able to wear a costume as is, without the mountain of layers underneath! haha. Despite the snow, fog and cold weather, we still had a lovely evening.

 We spent the afternoon with friends, so we could play and get ready together. The girls had fun as always, and despite them both being quite sleepy, they were excited to go trick or treating!

We were out for about an hour with our friend, and then Cody picked us up on our way home to take us to Mimi and Papa's house. Mackynzie and Cody went around Mimi and Papa's block, while I stayed and helped hand out candy.  By the time Cody and Mackynzie got back, it was 7:30pm- approx 2 hours after Mackynzie's bedtime! We hung out with Mimi and Papa for a bit, and then took our sweet girl home. She had been almost falling asleep since the trick or treating began!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day, without any tooth aches!