Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Simple Smile

 Days really are so much brighter when we decide to share love. I like to start each day, before my feet hit the floor in the morning, saying something along the lines of:

"Today, I choose love. With an open heart, I allow wonderful things to flow into me and my life. Love is the foundation of my soul. When I give, I receive  Today, I will do my absolute best to see the love that is in every situation. I choose to give love to every person I meet." (inspiration from 'yoga girl' aka the beautiful Rachel Brathen.)

Today, Mackynzie and I headed out early to go to the mall. We went with a girlfriend of mine briefly  then parted ways until we met up for lunch. The mall was slow and sleepy and having nothing in particular to buy, we made several laps around it. Not to mention the fact that we got their really early and only the coffee shops where open. We walked for about 30 minutes until everything opened up. We grabbed warm drinks, and paced the mall, stopping to look at mannequins and play at the play area. We stopped in some stores, did some window shopping, and picked up some craft supplies. That's not what made today a wonderful day, though.

 With my little mantra dancing along with me, I let love flow out of me. I met the gaze of every person I passed, and smiled a warm, genuine smile at each one. I didn't have to force it at all ( A welcomed feeling, as I had been unsure.). I felt a lovely connection with each person who met my gaze. The most beautiful thing happened  As we walked and smiled, people smiled back. There were faces that lifted out of sleepy hazes, warm morning greetings, frowns turned upside down, and even some shocked expressions turned grins.

 Mackynzie alternated walking and sitting in the wrap on my back, and our love-filled day continued. I don't want to forget this. Every single person has so much love to give, sometimes they just need a reassuring nudge. Even the grumpy and serious faced people's brows smoothed and their eyes brightened. I was making a difference, and in doing so, I was receiving so much happiness!

 The wrap always stirs many kind and curious comments, and even pleasant conversation. such was the case today. I had a lovely chat with a lady working a kiosk. She asked me questions about it, and we talked like old friends. She shared about her small son at home, and about her and her husband's business. After several minutes, we separated, wishing each other beautiful days.

Moments later, we passed a man in a phone kiosk who had commented earlier that he loved our wrap. He was a younger man, with a beautiful smile and warm eyes. He glanced our way and smiled. Telling us again that he loved our wrap, shaking his head with his grin. I stopped then and stood by his kiosk to thank him. He then told me that he was from Africa, and that it was very common to see mothers wearing their children in wraps. He told me how nice it was for him to see it. He also shared his faint memories of his mother wearing him, and how he felt it makes the child-mother bond stronger. His grin grew as he said how much he loved his mother and how close they were. I couldn't help the happiness welling inside me as I listened to this man. I thanked him for his story and wished him a beautiful day. I walked away with an enormous smile on my face.

 It truly is the little things. We choose how we live our life. we choose our happiness. You don't need anything special; sharing love is not a super power. It's a gift every person has with them at all times.

Today's experience was food for my soul. I vow to do my very best to practice this every single day. Th reward is just too great not to!


  1. Hi rainbow!,
    My name is Melissa, I am 24 year old mama of two boys and my husband and I currently 15weeks pregnate with our 3rd! I stumbled upon you through instagram, you are friends with my sister in-law "dextersmomma"!
    Well, I decided to leave you a message because I really liked your post lol! I really like your outlook on life and it's very inspiring to me to read your words! I do a lot of the "smiling-at-random-people" too, but lately I've been so busy with my 2 and 4 year old and now planning our freebirth that I've forgotten about it. So thank you for reminding me about how awesome it is to take the time to do this! :)
    oh yeah, by the way, our instagram is under "thederochefamily" :)
    With love melissa

  2. Hi Melissa!

    Congratulations on your beautiful (growing) family!! Thank you so much. It's so easy to forget, we have to help each other stop and smell the roses ;)

    Thanks for stopping by, I will check you out on instagram (because that doesn't even sound creepy...)
