Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Food and Health and My Take
I don't know what it is about blogging about food that I don't particularly like... I think maybe it's because it's time consuming. I do love to share certain recipes etc, but I don't know that I could commit to talking about food daily. (but who knows, right?)
Throughout this journey to a healthy life, food is always such a heavy weight. There are a million questions, opinions and answers. It can feel incredibly overwhelming, and leave you guiltily reaching for less than ideal foods. Then there are those cravings. Those horrid cravings that make you feel like a beast. The good news though? It really doesn't need to be like anything mentioned above. At all. In fact, if you let it, food can be a wonderful experience and make you feel like a new person at the same time.
I have done a lot of trial and error when it comes to food. I have eaten a diet that would be considered healthy based on the standard western diet.I have eaten a very unhealthy diet. I have been Paleo. I have been vegan. Vegan and gluten free. Now, I am moving (and almost there full throttle again.) back to a Paleo diet.
I have poured so much worry and stress over what I put into our bodies. I have cried and had moments of 'does it really matter anyway? Can't I just close my eyes and do what's easy?'. The bottom Line I have come to is this: Food matters. It is crucial that we care what we put into our bodies. Food is not made the same as it was years ago, and just because it looks or says its healthy, doesn't mean it is. The work we put into our food pays off-big time, and it really doesn't need to feel like work. It can be easy. Anyone can eat healthy, and everyone can reap the benefits.
After being sick and tired of stressing and wondering about food, I sat down with a pen and a notebook and wrote. I asked myself questions like: What do I want from the food I eat? What is important to me when it comes to food? What do I want to accomplish with the food I eat?
My answer to those questions was this: I want to eat for my body. I want to listen to what it tells me. I want to eat good food when I am hungry and stop when I am full. I want to eat in a way that keeps me fit and strong (Physically, mentally and immune wise.). I also want to indulge now and then, but not make a habit of it (and not want to either.). I want to eat food that nourishes me, fills me up, makes me feel good, maintains a healthy body shape, satisfies me and tastes good, and be simple and relatively care-free. I want to eat food that is very healthy, while still being practical to my lifestyle (aka easy.). I want to eat minimal grains and minimal dairy. And finally, that I eat to sustain MY metabolism and body needs.
That's quite a list, isn't it? When you really look at it though, it's very simple. Best of all, its very easy to accomplish.
The most important thing to focus on is what works for you. Not what you feel like doing- don't use 'what works for you' as an excuse to hide under. My body's needs are my own. They are not the same as my husband's, or my daughter's, or of that gorgeous woman with the six pack abs. I may need a little more of this, and a little less of that. And if you listen to your body (Your taste buds and cravings tell you a lot!) you can figure it out with no problem. Just to throw out an example, I need to have a higher calorie intake because I am nursing (same goes for if you were thinking about/trying to conceive or already preg.). I also need to eat for the work outs and exercises that I do ( Also the body type I have/am aiming for.)
For my personal needs (and through all the research I have done) the paleo diet is the best choice for me. These are my personal beliefs on food that I wrote down with my list:
Food is to nourish and fill you. It's not for fun, and it's not something to do (but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy what you do eat, or cooking it.). Eat plenty/as many as you want of vegetables and fruits (with the veggies outweighing.). My body needs a high protein diet, but I dont care for red meats and want/choose to eat them sparingly. If I want to eat grains- do it- but choose sprouted/soaked 'healthy' grains and do it sparingly. My body needs carbohydrates (complex mostly.) so I need to do my best to get them from sources of foods that are grain free. I need to use my knowledge about food as a guideline, not a rule or source of fear. Stressing about food will get me nowhere that I want to be.
My biggest advice? Educate yourself about what you are eating. Do what's right for your body (not your BFF's). For the love of god, don't calorie count. And forget about the scale. If you want to keep track of progress, use measurements and before/after photos. It will get you much farther and keep you on your course for the long haul. Move your body. Find something(s) you love and do them. A lot. Be active and learn to love the sweat and burn (I practically get a lady boner just thinking about it.). You choose what you will look and feel like. No one else, so be good to yourself and choose well. (And just because people look buff doing/eating certain things, doesn't mean you will or need to.)
Create good habits, drink water, get 6-8 hours of sleep, and enjoy the ride. Feel it and love it. You really do only live once, so make it what you want it (it all starts with your health baby!). Be confident and work (and play) hard. It is SO incredibly worth it. And since I've already said it anyway...
There are so many sub topics and what-not about this sort of thing. This is just a basic cover of it. I hope this helps someone find a bit of clarity, relief and/or motivation.
If This is something that is super interesting, I don't mind sharing more at all. Just let me know and I can answer questions etc. I know I have gotten lots of questions about this in the past, so now that I'm on top of answering things, feel free!
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I really enjoyed this post :) It was exactly the sort of reminder I needed at this point in my fod thank-you for sharing!! xo