Friday, March 1, 2013

Mom Therapy

 I am a crazy ball of restless energy today. Mackynzie is asleep on the couch as I type this and the house is silent apart from the comforting hum of the fan.

 Cleaning is a fantastic anxiety reliever. How I am only just discovering this, I have no idea, but I am so glad the light bulb went off. Mackynzie did not want to go to bed last night, so bedtime happened when two tired parents climbed into bed, turned off all the lights and told her we were going to sleep. It worked, she slept, but it was not an ideal night. With that being said she, of course, woke in a foul little mood. It wasn't that bad, but very noticeable. I kept my cool, and with a cup of green tea in hand, started buzzing around the kitchen, mad at the day-old mess. Before I knew it, the kitchen was clean and I had moved to the bathroom. I was frustrated that the upstairs bathroom is just never clean enough. I scrubbed with lightning speed, checking on Mackynzie in between jobs, who was happily watching a show and munching eggs. I left the bathroom only to decide that the floors were grossing me out since it's shedding time, and thought it would only take a second anyway. I put the vacuum away, loaded my arms with everything that needed to be downstairs, and sat on the floor to color with Mackynzie. It was there that I allowed my self to relax my shoulders and breathe. I felt so much lighter and my mind was much more clear. Mackynzie seemed to be in better spirits, as she peeled crayons and chatted with me about the coloring page.

 I have done a lot of cleaning in my life, but very few times have I put my anxieties and frustrations into my work. Today I vowed to do it every time. I wasn't particularly frustrated or anxious, but I have days where I over think and over analyze and it can get out of hand. I figure if I put anything negative or worrisome into whatever I am cleaning, then wash that crap away, I'm going to be a pretty mellow mama in no time!

  It is an incredibly beautiful day today. Our first double digit of the year and we are going to soak it up as soon as this little one wakes up. We even went out in T-shirts yesterday to play on the steps. The taste of spring is in the air and boy, did I miss it's sweetness.

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