Monday, June 3, 2013

Sweet Spot

 I feel such a variety of emotions. At times, I can feel such deep meaningful connections to people and ideas. Ones that I swear will change my life. and then there are periods that I feel so relaxed and completely happy with letting life take me where it does. I'm happy to soak up the moments as they come.  This is probably the best explanation for what I strive fore. A middle ground between the two extremes. Happy and relaxed to live as each day comes, yet connected and driven by the feelings and people around me. Throw motherhood in there too and there is this sweet spot. The best thing about it -that spot- is that it stretches. It reaches and glides  Ebbs and flows. It follows me with each day; allowing me to learn and grow with the moments and experiences.

 I'm thankful to be learning that. A sweet spot is not stationary. It's always there, it just adjusts to exactly what you need it to be in that moment. In that day. Each day we are given a choice. We choose to see our sweet spot, or we don't. The days that we choose to look away, those are the hard days. The ones that leave us a frustrated whirl wind of emotions. The ones that make us throw our hands up and say "What am I doing? What is this?". We often cry on those days. Sometimes hard; like those choked-throat sobs or fiery blasts that pour down your cheeks. Sometimes it's the kind that make your heart physically ache, while you tell yourself all the things there are to cry about. Then, there are the times we choose to see our sweet spot. We run up and hug it; just like you would a dear friend who you haven't seen in too long. We dance with it, soaking up the laughter-filled stories it has for us. those are the good days. The really good ones.

 When we choose to see it on the hard days, even just give it a glance. It changes those hard times. It's always there; just waiting for us to move toward it. On the days where we look for it, we reach. We stretch our frantic fingers begging for it to grab us and pull us in. It does. Every time, because it looks for us more often than we look for it. It's ready, and the moment it sees you it pulls you in. With strong arms it wraps you in it's warmth and dries you.

 The days are no less hard, just changed. We see them differently. Approaching them with a gentle outstretched hand. Instead of fighting them with everything we have, we embrace them. We begin to learn that the hardest days, the biggest and scariest feelings, just need our love. They need our sweet spot.

 It's not easy. This world would be very different if it was. It's possible though, and like any new habit or challenge, it takes time to build. We are learning to work with muscles that we don't typically engage. We feel their new soreness, but it's that good kind of sore. The kind that tells you you are working hard and making a change. And we can't do it all on our own. We need each other to lift one another up. To cheer and listen and wipe tears. To extend the hand of whatever we need in that moment.

We are lifted and we lift.

 We have this amazing opportunity each day, to make things so much more than average. To live life with purpose and with tender hearts. We will never be perfect. Perfection is not what this is about, and being imperfect is the point. To be okay with the imperfections; of life and of self.

If we get to know our sweet spot, to know that it moves with us and is there to help teach and grow us, the hard days begin to dissolve. Instead, days are replaced with lessons. Some that teach us the things that root us deep into the earth, and others that allow us to soar higher with each breath.

Via (unknown, if you know or this is yours, please let me know)

Become very best friends with your sweet spot. Choose love. 

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