Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Soon We Are Three

September is here. On one hand I feel like it has snuck up on me, yet on the other I'm so excited to see it. This month means fall will be here, along with all the delicious bits of the changing season.

 For me, September always makes me stop for a second and realise how close we are to my sweet girl's birthday. Three. In one short month my girl will be three. I feel like this past year has gone by the fastest. My mind was cluttered with worries that didn't matter, too much of the time. I did remember to take those moments to breathe her in though. I think those times are some of my favorite moments of motherhood. When she is just being her little self and I can't help but be completely overwhelmed with my love for her. For how thankful I am for her.

I'm so excited for this new chapter with her. This year will be a big one. Many changes and many moments of growth for the whole family will happen. I will do my very best to make all of these things happy, memorable and filled with love. Most of all, I will make sure she knows that even if she feels uneasy, or changes seem too big at first, that we are right beside her, holding her close. Whispering encouragement into her ears, giving millions of hugs, kisses, and 'I love you's, lifting her up when she needs a hand, and being her safe place to sit and let out all of her big feelings and emotions.

 Part of me wants to be overcome with bewilderment and shout "How are you three already? When did this happen?!", but the larger part of me is sitting back with proud and wide mama eyes admiring it all. I have been there for each year, each day, each up and down. I don't look at her new year as sad or too soon. I look at it with such a full heart. I am so proud of who she is. Who she is becoming. She is strong and sure of herself. She is cautious, and takes her time deciding who will be blessed to see her beautiful soul. She is so clever and the funniest little person I have ever met. I love being her mama so much. I'm constantly humbled with how much she is like me. She makes me grow and learn and dig through all of the tough parts within me, so that I can be the best mama for her. She reminds me to stop and take in life's beauties. And she is sensitive. Oh, my delicate little flower. Probably the single biggest thing her and I share. We both have that something; it is part of our soul and drives us to see the immense beauty in this life. With that, comes being extremely empathetic, and also able to become incredibly uplifted.
  In those moments, the sensitive ones, she shares those feelings with me. Words don't have to be spoken. Many times she will place her little hand on my heart, or interlock our fingers. There is this look that is exchanged in those moments, and the only way I could possibly explain it, is that our souls reach out and touch.

 Her birthday is always such a wonderful experience for me. Not only do we get to celebrate her and all that she is, but I get this moment to anticipate the things she will teach me this year. What lessons will I learn? How will she choose to grow me this year? I truly believe with all of my heart that our children are meant to grow us far more than we could grow them. If I can teach her a small amount of what she teaches me, I know she will bloom so bright.

 I'm excited to plan this year's celebration and soak up every ounce of her last weeks as a two year old.

Soon she will be three. Soon I will celebrate with her, as I was born the moment she was.

The moment a Child is Born the Mother is also Born

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