Sunday, December 1, 2013

Recipe Update: chicken soup and bone broth

 I posted my original bone broth and chicken veggie soup recipe almost two years ago. Now that I am further down our holistic food journey, my recipe  has changed a bit. So here are the things I have changed only. For step by step instructions, visit the original post and swap out the following things.

For the Broth:

I highly suggest cooking the broth for several hours. Typically, I throw it on the stove to simmer on low all day, put it outside at night (thanks to winter right now.) and then continue simmering for a more few hours. On the second day, you can choose to do as little as 2 hours or you can do it until evening.

Use lots of garlic.

Why so long?: The 'low and slow' method gives the bones optimal time to release all the nutrients and get to the marrow. Add 1-2 TBS of apple cider vinegar to help the calcium release from the bones. (Very important if you are cooking for holistic/optimal nutrition.)

 * I use this same 'recipe' for both chicken and beef bones. I prefer to use an Italian spice blend (a good size tbsp), and honestly I forget the bay leaf almost every time haha.

Again, to reap the many benefits of bone broth, low and slow is the way to go. You can not achieve the same benefits with a quick cook. The taste will be immensely better as well.

For the soup:

You can use my measurements for the veggies if you want, or eye ball your own! I use ALL BROTH if I can for optimal nutrition. I stick to the same cooking method, however I sometimes add organic brown rice noodles, and LOTS of fresh basil when serving.

 Use LOTS of garlic. Keep any illness or ailment away.

For spices, again I prefer an Italian spice blend, and sea salt and pepper. About a heaping TBSP of italian and a good amount of salt and pepper. Keep in mind you don't want too much salt and pepper in your pot, so people can omit or add to their own bowls.

any other questions, please ask away!

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