Monday, January 6, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks

Total weight gain: I didn't get a consistent number this week, so I'm just going to say 153. Total of 23lbs so far. (where the heck is it going?!)

Maternity clothes? No

Stretch marks? No new ones

Sleep: Pretty good! I keep waking up on my back which is bugging me, but I'm sleeping so there isn't much I can do!

Best moment of the week: Finalizing our home birth decision! It just feels amazing to let our hearts and instincts lead us to a decision. (we will be discussing more in the weeks to come.)

Miss anything? No, not that I can think of.

Number of times I get up to pee at night: 2-3 times.

Movement: Lots of movement, but it's getting less 'all the time' and more certain times, and bigger rolling movements.

Food Cravings: None. I like frozen blueberries and frozen mangos to snack on right now. Yum!

Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Labor signs: No

Symptoms: When he shifts positions it still can feel like a braxton hicks, I have to really feel out my uterus to be able to tell. Also, I have to watch how much I eat at once (which is a little frustrating) or I get what I can only explain as muscle cramps in some of my belly. Not enough room to eat too much haha.

Belly button in or out? Out

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Happy or moody most of the time? Very happy!!

Looking forward to: My baby shower/blessingway this weekend!


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