See the intro to this project here
and week 1
You can follow this project daily on instagram: #rainbowspregnancyproject
January 7th: "I love watching you sleep. You are so peaceful and I can't stop staring. I often take this time to do a lot of self reflection and goal setting about being your mama. I can't promise you I won't mess up- I have. Or that I'll be perfect- I'm not. But I make a promise to you every single night, that I will continue to be better with each day. I will learn from today and even if it's just a tiny improvement, I will do better tomorrow. I will never stop learning and growing and trying. Thank you for being so forgiving. For understanding and always loving me. You teach me what life is really about, every day. Thank you, my sweet blessing, for allowing me to humbly grow with you."
January 8th: "today we did a lot of playing. You are so creative and funny with the games you come up with! You love to play with anything you can be creative with. Little figurines and things like this train and track. You invent stories, and have funny conversations. You remind me to let go and be a kid, no matter how old I am. Something I'm having to relearn, but you are the very best teacher."
January 9th: "this winter is special. We have played outside laughing until our bellies hurt! Rosy cheeks, cold noses, and frosty hair. We climb through huge snow drifts and rescue each other and laugh some more. I'm so happy to have this winter with just us. You really are my warm sunshine, Mackynzie Rei!"
January 10th: "each morning, you wake me up with a kiss and ask me to help you in the washroom, followed by requesting a light to be turned on. You then give me another kiss and play quietly on your own while I lay in bed and wake up fully. I can't get over how thoughtful and patient this is! After I've had a few minutes, you ask if I'm ready for breakfast. We hold hands, since I can't carry you right now, and go to the kitchen to make breakfast together. Thank you for these lovely mornings. I'll cherish these memories always."
January 11th: "today we ran our errands. You love this time because you love to play in the truck. You pack a bag of things to play with, and we spend the morning doing our usual; taking Carly to the dog park, grocery shopping, and going to any other needed store. Some Saturdays are our library day too. You make errands way more fun. Plus, hanging out in the truck with you is always a blast."
January 12th: "today was mama's blessingway. You invited your best little friend to play with while mama and our friends and family gathered in the living room. Your daddy hung out with you two and fed you guys yummy snacks and played with you! It was so much fun! We love watching you create special friendships. You two hug and kiss each other's cheeks all the way to the door, when it's time to say goodbye. Your little cup is always so full after playing with your friends. You choose not to have a lot of friends, but you sure make the friendships you decide to have count."
January 13th: "You have been signing since you were a baby. It was and is a huge factor in how mature you are in your speech, understanding, and emotional development. You are most proud of this one though. 'I love you'. It was hard to learn how to hold your fingers, but once you got it, you were so proud! You beam every time and love that we can send each other this little reminder. Especially when we are far away from each other, or too upset or shy to talk. I love you so much! In every language!"
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