Monday, July 9, 2012

Camping Prep and how we made life a little easier for our trip

 I almost forgot to share a few things from June. Ya, It's already a week  into July, I know! eek.  One thing was from camping. I took some measures to help make our trip as smooth as possible with a toddler and two dogs. We were able to pack and unpack the trailer in about 10 minutes due to a few simple things!

 First, I handled clothes. We tend to over pack when it comes to bringing extra clothes, because when you are outside all day and far from home, you do not want to be without an extra pair of whatever it is you need an extra pair of. To save tons of room, we packed all of our clothes military style. We rolled them up.

 We were able to fit our clothes in one basket rather than have huge individual bags. Oh, that's another thing. I pack a lot of things like clothes, blankets, toys, and dry foods into laundry baskets. That way I can just pop them in the trailer and put everything away easily and quickly once we arrive. They also stack up perfectly, and then I can use the basket stack as a place for dirty clothes.

I took some extra measures to pack our food too. I cut and prepped everything I could the night before. All our days were meal planned, so we knew exactly what we had to bring. we did this loosely and gave ourselves some options since we tend to snack a lot when we are camping. With our diet, that meant the majority of prep went to our fruits and vegetables. I then placed everything in zip lock bags to save room (containers take up double or triple the space!)

 It all went into our cooler easily. To save more room, I froze Cody's meats so they could act as ice packs as well. They would thaw by the time he needed them, but we didn't have to bring as much ice. We also kept the ice in bags to avoid the nasty cooler swimming pool.

 I took everything I could out of boxes and cans and placed them in bags or a simpler packaging if it came in both a box and a bag. Even soup went into a bag! Saved us having to bring a can opener and find room for more cans.

The prep work was so worth it! Cody thanked me multiple times over the weekend, because meal prep was basically non existent. We packed almost  nothing that couldn't either be eaten raw, or cooked over a fire/on the BBQ. So we just grabbed what we wanted and ate. It was fantastic. 

When we got there, everything went into cupboards and nooks and within a few minutes we were ready to camp!

  Now you can see why we call it the 'Hillbilly Hilton'! haha

To see our camping trip click here.

1 comment:

  1. oh my god i LOVE your trailer!!!! i love all things vintage! you could do so much with it!!! lucky family!!!!!
