Sunday, August 25, 2013

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain: none yet. Maybe a pound, but again I fluctuate. I weighed 131 fully clothed in jeans this week. (For other reference I'm 5'9-5'10)

Maternity clothes? not yet, but I don't wear maternity clothes ;) I have 'bigger' clothes waiting in the closet, but my wardrobe is very pregnancy friendly and loose.

Stretch marks? Just the old ones.

Sleep: Great. I go to bed earlier now, though. I really feel the late evenings.

Best moment of the week: feeling little baby flop around. With the anterior placenta, I have definitely noticed that movement is different than last time. but I can definitely feel baby on the inside when I'm calm and still. I've heard that it could take up to 25 weeks to feel big kicks/outside movements, so I guess we will see!

Miss anything? No

Number of times I get up to pee at night: None to once.

Movement: see 'best moment of the week'

Food Cravings: still don't really have 'cravings'. kind of just eating food now. I can eat eggs again! Oh, I like soups a lot.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. I just don't like fast foods or processed anything, not really anything too new!

Gender prediction: ugh. You have no idea how bad I am at this! Boy? We might have a boy name so maybe that's a sign? (It's probably opposite of whatever I guess haha)

Labor signs: No

Symptoms: Not really. I have always had erm.. digestive issues, so pregnancy doesn't help that. Funny story- I get really bad gas pains. and before I was pregnant (ever) I swore that it must be a little bit what labor felt like. Sure enough, felt *exactly* like my stage two contractions with Mackynzie. I'm finding with this pregnancy as well, I get little 'episodes' where it kind of makes me double over. Uncomfortable, but I consider it prep work ha.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? Super happy!

Looking forward to: everything. I can't wait to find out more about this little person. I picture meeting him/her and just everything that comes with a newborn. And that baby smell...

Cody beats me in belly size when he pushes out! Haha

My Blog Killer

I do not own or claim rights to this image. 

 Instagram has killed my blogging.

I heard this from several people this past weekend and realised just how true it was!

 I love instagram. It's fun, inspirational, quick and so easy to use. I think that's exactly where the problem is. Blogging is not as easy as one may think. There is a lot of editing, writing, uploading, photo editing etc etc. But with something like instagram, its just so much easier to share your life! Snap a photo, do a quick edit, write a caption and done. Not to mention that following people and sharing things is just one click of a button.

 Scrolling through photos, and putting most of the ones you take on instagram definitely makes for a lazy blogger in my opinion. It's really easy to become sort of creatively drained after viewing all those photos and ideas. Also, it's easy to take the moments you may have to blog, and spend them on instagram instead.

I have no idea why it took others saying it to clue me in, but i'm glad I saw it. I'm going to try to really be aware of it, spend less time on instagram, and the majority of those free moments here on the blog. Because honestly, I'd rather post a picture with a caption or small blurb here and keep this space active.

What do you think? If you're a blogger, do you find instagram kills your buzz a bit?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

13 Weeks

How far along? 13 weeks (5 days)

Total weight gain: hmm.. possibly. I fluctuate weight a few pounds, so it's hard to tell. Weighed myself tonight (9:40pm) and am 2 lbs heavier but that might be gone plus an extra pound in the morning.

Maternity clothes? No, but a pair of shorts don't do up anymore and jeans are getting tight...

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: No complaints!

Best moment of the week: Getting our good news at our follow up ultrasound!

Miss anything? Nothing that I can think of. I can't believe I ate so many sweets before!

Number of times I get up to pee at night: still once or not at all.

Movement: Not much right now. Placenta is anterior so I'm unsure if that will affect things for me as it grows.

Food Cravings: Still citrus and fresh foods. Still love tomato soup and LOVE lemonade with lots of ice.

Anything making you queasy or sick: not really, but just a general disinterest in anything sweet.

Gender prediction: I'm so flip floppy that I have no idea. Part thinks girl, part thinks boy.

Labor signs:NO

Symptoms: Typical sense of smell, but nothing else, really.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy. Only grumpy when i'm hungry ;). We call it 'hangry'.

Looking forward to: Feeling kicks from this little one. And honestly, I'm really curious about this baby's gender.

 We learned that I have an anterior placenta with this pregnancy, which just means that my placenta is in front of the baby and is attached to the front of my uterus (so it will hang out by my belly button rather than the back or either side.). It won't affect labor and delivery, and won't cause any problems. It just happens to be the spot baby implanted. The only thing I might experience is less obvious movement and kicks, because a giant placenta will be in the way. I'm unsure how my experience with it will be, but I guess we will see!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dinner, Urinals, and Babies

Last night we went to an impromptu dinner in the city to celebrate our healthy baby. That, and I've been really wanting the butternut squash ravioli form east side mario's. It was super fun to take a little trip and enjoy each other. We never go to the city on a weekday at 6:15 in the evening, so Mackynzie was pretty excited.

These are the pictures above the men's urinals! (taken by Cody...)

If you guys saw the video, then you know my ultrasound yesterday went great! I had been right in my research and the problem resolved itself. We are very happy and are just focused on enjoying this beautiful life now!You can view the explanation of the issue with our last ultrasound here. I got to see lots of our little bub, and can I just say how much of a difference three weeks makes?! Look how much bigger baby is!

Again, thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers for our family. You are all so generous in opening your hearts to us!

Night time convos with Mackynzie

Our bedtime conversations tend to be really hilarious. Here is one between Mackynzie and I from last week.  
 I keep recording the wrong way on my phone (I should be turning it sideways) so sorry for the thin video.                    

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Ultrasound Update

Sorry about the bright light, guys. Just a really quick video after my ultrasound. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

12 Week pregnancy Video

 An update explaining exactly what I was talking about in the photo about the ultrasound and a bit more.

I can't get rid of the awful thumb nail! every time I get goofy ones that won't correct! 
Sorry for the angle and bad lighting. It was late and I didn't realise it was so poor!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

12 weeks

 Here is a picture of the 'real' baby bump. The last one had a food baby on top of it ;)

How far along? 12 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain: None yet

Maternity clothes? No

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: Good. A little uncomfortable. I can usually only get comfy on my right side.

Best moment of the week: Having the first opportunity to trust my baby, my body, and our health. And feeling empowered and filled with love for my own instincts.

Miss anything? Not that I can think of...

Number of times I get up to pee at night: None to one time.

Movement: little flutters here and there.

Food Cravings: Citrus. More specifically, lots of icy water with lemons etc.

Anything making you queasy or sick: If I wait too long to eat, i get sick. Still don't like eggs or greek yogurt.

Gender prediction: man, who knows! maybe a boy? let's go with boy this week. ;)

Labor signs: No

Symptoms: slight nausea when i'm too hungry. I think i'm having braxton hicks already...

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Though I cry so easily. Sappy commercials leave me a drippy mess.

Looking forward to: Our follow up ultrasound on Wednesday!

Video update coming soon!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Rodeo Weekend

 This weekend was our annual rodeo and like every year before, we left happy, sun-kissed, and belly's full.

Okay, so maybe I got a little more than sun-kissed... If you follow along on instagram or facebook (I try to link pics to facebook as often as I remember.) then you likely saw my insane burn. I would scare you in person, I kid you not.

We left at 8am to start the day with breakfast and the parade with friends. They gave us way too much candy (seriously! 3 kids under 3 at the beginning of the parade, and they got more loot than halloween!), which Mackynzie had tons of fun collecting, but told us she would give it all to her papa "because Candy rots your teeth.". We couldn't help bun laugh and be proud.

(hiding from the bagpipes) 

We spent eleven hours between the parade and rodeo, but it was so much fun. We ate tons of delicious fair food, and drank our weight in fresh lemonade.

This week starts our family's little holiday week, since Cody has the entire week off! I'll be sharing our fun little adventures throughout the week.

I hope you all had an incredible weekend (long weekend here in Canada) and have a beautiful week!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

11 Weeks

How far along? 11 weeks (2 days)

Maternity clothes? No

Stretch marks? Not any new ones ;)

Sleep: Good! Heavy and weirdo-dreams.

Best moment of the week: Feeling little bub move!

Miss anything? Hmm, not really. Maybe drinking more tea.

Number of times I get up to pee at night: usually just once.

Movement: Yes! when I am laying down at night i can feel baby rolls and he/she sticks out  to one side already.

Food Cravings: Tomato soup.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I still don't want to eat eggs. Not interested in sweets, really. Greek yogurt makes me gag and any fast food.

Gender prediction: I'm not sure.. I am horrible at guessing! When I had my ultrasound I automatically thought girl though. Who knows!

Labor signs: No

Symptoms: Still occasional nausea and being sick, but it starts and ends quickly and before 10 am now.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!!

Looking forward to: My next midwife appointment next week. I can't wait to hear baby's heart beat!

   Last week, we had an ultrasound at 10 weeks and I got to see our sweet baby! Honestly, nothing felt real yet, and I didn't really believe I was pregnant. The moment I saw my baby bopping around though, it hit me.

 Everyone told me I would love this baby just as much. I knew that, but the 'what if' still nagged at me in the back of my head. When I saw our little baby jumping around, big and healthy, I fell in love. Hard. It was unbelievable and it was instant. I haven't even met this bean yet! I also just kind of assumed it's a girl but I have no idea. That probably means it's a boy, right ;) And for family trying to guess already, sorry, I don't carry to go along with wives tales haha. My body carries low and out front and I had a girl. I guess you guys will just have to sit back and be patient for the big day!

Something I did not expect was feeling the baby so early. I didn't know you could! After my ultrasound, I was laying in bed that evening and felt this little push and roll. I felt my belly and it happened again. I looked down and sure enough, there is baby rolling and pushing! I wonder if it  has to do with position. This baby is very far over on my right side, and since i'm thin, there isn't much between babe and the outside. It was amazing! I now lay in bed each night and usually feel this little one.

Over all, I feel good. I'm starting to get back to 'normal' and i can fully function without morning sickness dragging me down now. I'm showing much sooner than with Mackynzie, but those muscles remember well! I'm trying to get used to going to bed really early, so that's a little different, but I will get used to it!

I can't believe I'm almost 1/3 of the way there already. It's both zooming by and going at a nice pace.

Seize the Month!

 A sweet friend of mine does this awesome thing to keep her (and her two little's) busy. She is a navy wife, so with her hubby deployed, keeping busy is important. She likes to have a 'project' for each month, and this month with the help of friends, chose to do a 'seize the day' month. The idea is to make a list of 31 things to do, and put them all in a container. Every day, the kids get to draw one to do.

She invited anyone and everyone to join her. I loved the idea (like many others!) and joined her to seize the day!

Here is our jar with our list of things to be pulled. Feel free to join in and make your own list!

1.Dino museum
2.Science center
3.Painting with feet
4.make fairy soup
5.make a color match game
7.see a movie (theater) game night
9.write a letter
10.send a care package
11.melt broken crayons with molds
12.go to the park
13.scavenger hunt walk
14.leaf rubbings night books in our play tent
17.go for ice cream
18.make something for a friend
19.tea party
20.walk dog(s)
21.make a drier out of a box
22.toilet paper binoculars
23.make a necklace
24.make collars for stuffies
25.paint sidewalk with water
26.decorate lunch bag for dad
27.ride bike
28.ride scooter
29.paint rocks
30. blow bubbles
(started a day late so no 31)

This is a great reminder for me that we can still have fun and keep it simple. We are excited for this month! Happy August!