Monday, December 10, 2012

Bits + Pieces

1. We still babywear. Especially on days where the world seems a little too big for her.
2. I went to twilight with my girlfriend. This is our 'its twilight time' face...
3. the results of a red crayon making its way through washing AND drying... (I got it ALL out though!)
4. All moved, very tired.
5. Relaxing at the new house!
6.Escaping the craziness to go to music class.
7. Puppies cuddling.
8. Meeting Santa!
9. First cake pop. It was weird.
10. We watch Santa feed his reindeer every day. So fun!
11. I have very cuddly puppies who require mom time (toddler free) every night.
12. A festive breakfast.
13. checking out the Christmas lights our town puts on.
14. Oh hey, odd plastic girl. She had to touch every single one.
15.These two are the best of friends!

 I was going to post a couple more so this would be to date (from the weekend.), but my blog informed me I have used up my photo storage and wants me to buy more. I don't really want to pay for my blog, so we will see what happens. I will see what Cody can do with his computer skills tonight!


  1. she did! we only stood by him, but she talked to him! we weren't even going to stop in to see him, she saw him and insisted we go meet santa lol
