Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Getting Out to Play

Spring is coming! I am so happy. I feel completely rejuvenation with the warmer weather (It better not be playing with me.). My house on the other hand, is not feeling so 'fresh'. I'm really glad I gave up on needing to have the house spotless at all the times; It was way overrated.

While I have been neglecting my house, I have been doing lots of playing and spending my time on what really matters; my little adventurer. 

First lady bug of the year. It's never a bad time for some good luck!

I never realised how much control the technology in my life had over me. I was completely sucked in. Now that I have put that damn phone away, my productivity and mood are getting better with each new day. Part of me wants to slip into that dreadful place of guilt, making me wallow in ugly truths like: "how often did I miss a sweet smile, or not show enough thought in my response to something she was proud of. How often did I dismiss her for reasons no where near valid?". But the larger part of me, knows that when you know better, you do better and so I am. I slip up still, but I know I am working towards a goal that will do wonders for myself and our family. I am extremely aware of my distractions now. How they change my mood and leave me feeling, and when to pull away. It's hard to put aside such a prominent part of daily life, but the benefits are unbelievable!

I have so much excitement building for this summer. The warm, bright mornings. Days filled with games, activities, outside play sessions and chalk drawings. Late night walks. It will be  good. 

I hope you are all having a wonderful week. We need to get get on some more valentines day crafts and decorations. I am absolutely loving all the photos being shared of warm love-filled homes and messy craft hearts. 

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