Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bits + Pieces

*A tea party with her two favorite guys. (fresh from work I believe.. haha)*

 This was actually supposed to be published on Monday, but my computer was being silly so it didn't happen. With that in mind, i'm just going to share the picture part of this weeks bits+pieces. Last Thursday  the wicked cold thing that's going around hit our house. We had a couple of rough days, but are *finally* on the mend! Mackynzie and I just have the tail end of the cold part left, so we should be better by the weekend. We took a trip to the zoo last weekend so we could all get some fresh air, and that little nakey baby is her talking on the phone with her dad. And pacing. She also learned how to play X's and O's and she is really good at it.

 I have lots to catch up on both here, and in my house but i'm excited about a couple new things I plan on doing. Details will be shared next week. Hope you are all healthy and avoiding the sickies!

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